
Last Updated: 22/03/2022 (Version 1.1.12)

In this guide, we’ll be learning how to install NetPyNE on your desktop with Python. If you want to use the GUI, you don't need this part and you can directly go on the in-browser app.

Before installing NetPyNE, please ensure you have the following installed:
  • Python 2 or 3 (2.7, 3.6 and 3.7 are supported). Download from the official Python website. Alternatively, you can download the Anaconda Distribution which also includes several data science and visualization packages.
  • The pip tool for installing Python packages. See pip installation here.
  • The NEURON simulator. See NEURON’s installation instructions. If you would like to run parallelized simulations, please ensure you install NEURON with MPI support (see also Quick start guide). Note: the latest NEURON version can be installed simply via pip install neuron
Install the latest released version of NetPyNE via pip (Recommended)
Linux or MacOS
pip install netpyne
Linux or MacOS
python -m pip install netpyne
Install the development version of NetPyNE via GitHub and pip
The NetPyNE package source files, as well as example models, are available via GitHub at: The following instructions will install the version in the GitHub “development” branch – it will include some of the latest enhancements and bug fixes, but could also include temporary bugs:
git clone
cd netpyne
git checkout development
pip install -e .
pip will add a symlink in the default Python packages directory to the cloned NetPyNE directory (so you don’t need to modify PYTHONPATH). If new changes are available just need to git pull from the cloned NetPyNE directory.
This version can also be used by developers interested in extending the package.